NENA: The 9-1-1 Association today announced that Erin Elrod, Director of Winchester (VA) Emergency Communications, has been selected by association President Christy Williams to serve as Northeastern Region Director on the organization’s 10-seat Executive Board.
“I am truly honored by this appointment,” said Elrod. “I look forward to working with the rest of the board, NENA staff, and our committees and working groups to serve NENA’s membership and improve 9-1-1.”
Elrod has more two decades of public safety emergency communications experience, and has served in her current capacity as director since 2005. A NENA member since that same year and a certified Emergency Number Professional (ENP) since 2010, Elrod has been active in both local and national NENA activities. She served on the Virginia NENA board from 2011-2014 and is an active member of the national Membership Committee.
“My fellow board members and I look forward to working with Erin,” said Williams. “Her expertise, her dedication, and her passion for 9-1-1 will undoubtedly benefit NENA’s Northeastern Region members, as well as the citizens who are made safer through advances and improvements to 9-1-1 supported by NENA’s leadership.”
Elrod’s appointment fills the vacancy on the Board created when Ed Marecki resigned his position at the end of 2015. “We thank Ed for his many years of service to the association,” said Williams.