Regional Advisory Council (RAC) Elections
The formation of the RAC is in direct response to the PSAP community’s desire for a greater voice, representation and input into the work plan and program of the E-911 Services Board. To be successful, the RAC will require qualified and committed regional PSAP representatives. As such, members of the Virginia PSAP community have been both nominated (Virginia APCO and NENA Chapter representatives) and have volunteered. To formalize the RAC, elections for each of the regional representatives will be forthcoming in the very near future. Please stay watch your email for notices from VITA staff regarding these elections
Regional Representative Profiles
Each of the individuals who have volunteered for the RAC have submitted cover letters, resumes and letters of recommendation from their respective jurisdictions. Prior to the elections, all members of the PSAP community are urged to visit the Virginia Regional Advisory Council webpage and review the postings from each individual carefully.
Commonwealth of Virginia Statewide 9-1-1 Comprehensive Plan
A copy of the Commonwealth of Virginia Statewide 9-1-1 Comprehensive Plan can be found here.