Emergency Number Professional Information
Ever considered sitting for the Emergency Number Professional (ENP) Certification test? The NENA Institute Board has approved an electronic testing program for all ENP examinations. These testing periods consist of a two-week time frame scheduled four (4) times a year. Visit http://www.nena.org/?page=ENP for additional information and testing dates.
ENP study groups are a good way of preparing for the ENP Certification test. If you are interested in participating in a ENP Study Group, please contact a Virginia Chapter of NENA Executive Board member.
Since the inception of the Emergency Number Professional certification, ENP professionals have gained recognition throughout the nation as leaders in the 9-1-1 field. In order to maintain the status, the ENP re-certification guidelines will be strictly geared to 9-1-1 managers and supervisors. It is the intent of the NENA Institute to allow ENP’s to stay active in 9-1-1 through these guidelines or have the option to sit for the exam to re-certify.
Points toward re-certification are earned through Experience, Professional Development, and Service. A total of 24 points (6 points per year average) must be earned over the 4-year period of certification to be re-certified. An ENP may opt to sit for the ENP examination as an alternative to the point system. ENP can track their points using the Recertification Points Accumulation Form.
For more information on the ENP Re-certification, check out the NENA.org page on ENP Recertification.
ENP Study Group
To enable our membership to gain a better understanding of the material tested, the Virginia Chapter of NENA sponsors an ENP Study Group each year. A study group is a great way to learn and support others trying to achieve the same goal of ENP certification. The study group is coordinated by Michele Surdam and Kaytie Carroll from Prince William County. It will consist of weekly conference calls and student participation. For more information, Click Here!
George Thomas Memorial ENP Scholarship
George Thomas Memorial ENP Scholarship was established by the Virginia NENA membership to assistant fellow members in obtaining their Emergency Number Professional certification. In 2010, scholarships were awarded to Pokey Harris and Erin Elrod.
Purpose of Virginia NENA ENP Scholarship is to:
- Assist Virginia 9-1-1 professionals in reaching a higher level of knowledge of 9-1-1 and advancement in 9-1-1 leadership.
- Provide financial assistance to Virginia 9-1-1 professionals who might otherwise be unable to pursue ENP certification.
The executive Board encourages members seriously considering taking the ENP exam, and eligible to apply for the scholarship, read the attached application form.
ENP Scholarship Application
- MS Word ENP Scholarship Application
- Adobe PDF ENP Scholarship Application