The members of the Nominating Committee shall be the immediate Past-President and two other members elected by the Executive Board preceding the Annual Conference by at least one hundred twenty (120) days.
The committee shall report a slate of nominees for Second Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. The slate of nominees shall be presented to the membership in accord with the election procedure stated in the Policies and Procedures of the Chapter.
The Immediate Past-President shall be the chairperson of the committee.
Commercial Committee
There shall be a Commercial Committee composed of three commercial members, elected by the Executive Board. The chairperson will represent all commercial members on the Executive Board, and will act as an advisor to the Board, if no private sector members are members of the Executive Board. Private sector members serving on the Executive Board may fulfill this role.
The chairperson of the Commercial Committee will be a non-voting member of the Executive Board.
Bylaws Committee
There shall be a Bylaws Committee composed of three members elected by the Executive Board. The committee shall periodically review the Bylaws of the Chapter to ensure clarity, consistency and compliance with current policy and practices of the Association and in compliance with NENA Bylaws, making recommendations for amendments as necessary.
The Bylaws Committee shall receive proposed changes to the Bylaws from other members, present them to the membership for vote at the Annual Conference or special meeting, and make recommendations as deemed necessary.
The Chairperson of the Bylaws Committee will be a non-voting member of the Executive Board.
Conference Committee
There shall be a Conference Committee composed of three members elected by the Executive Board. The committee shall be responsible for all duties required for the Annual Conference. The Annual Conference will be held each year in conjunction with the spring meeting.
The Chairperson is permitted to appoint members of the committee as necessary to facilitate the conference with the concurrence of the President. The chairperson shall report to the Executive Board on all matters related to the committee’s activities.
The Chairperson of the Conference Committee will be a non-voting member of the Executive Board.
Social Media Committee
The Social Media Committee is composed of the Webmaster, and other regular members appointed as necessary by the President.
The Social Media Committee shall be responsible, at the direction of the President, for all content and management of the Virginia NENA website, Facebook page, Twitter account, etc.